Customizing the Browser Favicon


What is favicon?

A favicon is icon that is associated with a particular website or web page, typically displayed in address bar of a browser.  

All the applications or famous brands/organization would have their brand icon displayed when you visit their website/webpage or in mobile application.

In Pega , by default , for all the portals , it comes with Pega icon as favicon unless it is customized.

In this post , let us see how we can customize the favicon for our application.

In order to customize the favicon, we would be creating/modifying below rules.

   1) Binary file to include the new icon image.

   2) Saving the HTML fragment rule "pyPortalIcon" into application ruleset.

Let us search for a transparent .png image and convert it into Favicon.

Here, I have used an Icecream png image and convert it to .ico (icon) format using  available online third party tools . You can use any tool and keep the image converted into Icon format.

Now, we have image ready below. Let’s begin.

  •  Create a Binary file rule as below(App name:webwb,Filename: Icecream,Type:ico) and upload the above .ico image.

  •  Open the HTML fragment rule “ pyPortalIcon” and save as the rule into your application ruleset and add the below HTML line :

            <link rel="shortcut icon" href="webwb/Icecream.ico">

  • Save the rule and refresh the browser to reflect the changes in the browser.

 Happy Learning !! 

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